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Before I thank anyone else, the first two people who deserve acknowledgment are my wonderful parents, Janet and Charlie Branchaw.


Without their constant encouragement and unconditional love, I never would have had the time, motivation, or self confidence to pursue a career in the arts. I will forever be grateful for the understanding and compassion they've shown the art world, community, and field in general (a field that, we all know, is difficult to succeed in); I'm blown away by their support.


Thank you for understanding what art has meant to me, not only now but throughout my entire life. Thank you for expressing interest in my passions and constantly working to learn more about my field.


Thank you for the reminders on bad days that I can always pursue my goals. Thank you for the reminders that I can rely on you to be there when things get hard.


Thank you for pushing me to always strive to be stronger and better as a person as well as an artist. Thank you for always pushing me to push myself.


Thank you for your love, and everything in between.



I must also extend my eternal gratitude to Phoebe Falese and Sue McDowell for working with me to develop The Colorfield of the Spade gallery, as well as offering me a position to be featured in the first place. These two amazing women gave me an opportunity to not only display my work, but develop and continue perfecting my style.


The Colorfield of the Spade collection is dedicated to Phoebe and Sue, for without their help, this collection would not exist.


Thank you for seeing potential in my work. Thank you for giving me the chance to display a new collection, in a beautiful space, located in an amazing community. To this day, I am still in partial shock over the situation.


Thank you for believing in me.



Thank you to my models; every single one of you is equally a piece of this collection.


Without you, my work would lack honesty, diversity, and meaning. I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel for you all. It is beyond measure.



Thank you to my friends and family for their years of support and encouragement.



Thank you to Matthew Zimmers, without whom, I never would have met Phoebe. You've blessed my life in ways I could never explain in words.



Thank you to everyone who has ever encouraged me.



Thank you to everyone who has ever bought work from me.



Thank you to everyone who has ever shared a kind word, taken a second glance, or given me a compliment; each one meant and still means the absolute world to me.



Thank you to everyone for the unmeasurable support and encouragement; I am truly blessed by the community I have been surrounded by, and I wouldn't trade you for anything.



Thank you. All of you.


Evie Spades

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